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Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits

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Being the victim of a motor vehicle or motorcycle accident can cause serious physical and psychological suffering. After your accident, we recommend that you consult with a doctor as soon as possible. Of course, if it is an emergency you should go to the hospital immediately, otherwise, it is best to see your family doctor. In the meantime, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Only a lawyer can advise you on your particular situation and can help you open an insurance claim so that you get the compensation you deserve.

An accident can also have serious financial consequences. If your doctor recommends that you should not work for medical reasons relating to your accident, you should contact your employer right away. Depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to loss of earnings benefits. In addition, you will likely have to open a claim for Employment Insurance sickness benefits.

What are Employment Insurance sickness benefits?

Employment Insurance sickness benefits can provide you with up to 15 weeks of financial assistance if you can no longer work for medical reasons.

Are you eligible for Employment Insurance sickness benefits?

Typically, you would be eligible for these benefits, following your accident, if your normal weekly earnings have decreased by more than 40% for at least one week and you have accumulated 600 hours of insurable employment in the 52 weeks before you started your claim, or since the start of your last claim.

How much could you receive?

You could potentially receive up to 15 weeks of financial assistance, representing 55% of your earnings, to a maximum of $573.00 per week. The number of weeks of benefits you may receive depends on how long you are unable to work because of your accident.

When should you apply?

You should apply as soon as possible after you stop working. You could lose benefits if you wait more than four weeks after your last day of work.

How do you open a claim?

To open a claim for Employment Insurance sickness benefits you will need to apply online at Service Canada. You will also be required to submit the necessary documents to support your claim, which are your records of employment (ROEs) and a note from your doctor stating that you are unable to work due to your injuries.

Once your application has been submitted, and the necessary documents have been sent, you will receive an access code in the mail that will allow you to view the status of your application online.

If you have any questions…

You can visit the Service Canada website for more information or call Service Canada at 1-800-206-7218. In addition, you can also contact one of our lawyers at Fidelis Law, who will be at your side every step of the way and will defend your rights.

Additional Motor Vehicle Accident Resources

Visit our Motor Vehicle Accidents page for more information.