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ATV and Snowmobile Accident Lawyers

ATVs and snowmobiles are considered motor vehicles, which means you benefit from the same insurance coverage that you get with your car insurance.

However, off-road vehicle accidents often bring their own special circumstances. There’s no yellow line on the trail, and there are fewer road signs. ATVs don’t have airbags or crumple zones, and your injuries may cause you severe pain and suffering and have devastating financial consequences.

Because of these special details, the insurance claim process in an ATV or snowmobile accident can be overwhelming and confusing. Here are some guidelines to help you – but keep in mind that every case is different, so it’s best to talk to a legal professional if you have questions about your specific situation. You can contact our team for a free consultation.

Contact us for a free consultation

We offer free consultations for personal injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, pedestrian accidents and other accidents as well as Long Term Disability claims. Contact our team of lawyers for all of your legal needs.

    What to do after an ATV or snowmobile accident

    The insurance claim process after an ATV or snowmobile accident can be overwhelming and confusing. Here are some guidelines to help you through the process – but keep in mind that every case is different, so it’s best to talk to a lawyer if you have questions about your specific situation.

    An important note about deadlines

    There are several deadlines that affect motor vehicle insurance claims (and that also apply to pedestrian and cyclist claims). For example, you have two years after the date of the accident to file a lawsuit against the other person. When it comes to no-fault loss of income benefits you have to miss at least 7 work days out of the 30 days following the accident, or be on reduced duty, to potentially qualify.

    1. See a doctor

    If you need emergency care, go to the hospital. If not, consult your family doctor. Discuss all of your injuries. If your doctor places you off work or prescribes treatments or medication, it’s for your own health, so be sure to follow the advice they give you.

    Keep your medical receipts! Each insurer works differently so you may have to pay upfront for treatments and send in receipts for reimbursement. In addition, any expenses you incur as a result of your injuries, like snow removal or housekeeping services, can be claimed against the other driver when the time comes. This type of insurance claim can take a while, so be sure to keep all of your receipts to track what you have paid for out of pocket.

    2. Tell your employer

    If you have been placed off work or given restrictions by your doctor, make sure to let your employer know. Provide doctors’ notes and explain the situation. If your job is physically demanding, it’s OK to ask for accommodations or help from coworkers.

    3. Open an EI claim

    Employment insurance sick benefits are available for up to 15 weeks if you are unable to work for medical reasons, your regular weekly earnings from work have decreased by more than 40% for at least one week and have accumulated the required insured hours. You can visit the EI sick benefits webpage for more information or call Service Canada at 1-800-206-7218.

    4. Open a claim with your insurance company

    Your ATV insurance includes coverage for things like physiotherapy, medication, and lost wages, among others. You have to notify your insurance company within 30 days of your accident if you plan on making a claim.

    It’s harder to prove who is at fault than it is on paved roads. Don’t assume you’re at fault and don’t have a valid insurance claim – contact us to go over the details of your accident.

    A note about trail maintenance: If your accident happened on a poorly-maintained trail – for example if it had large potholes, or an object sticking out of the ground – your claim can become more complicated. We suggest talking to a lawyer.

    5. Contact a personal injury lawyer

    Before talking to the other person’s insurance company, we suggest talking to a lawyer. The internet is great for little bits of information, but only a lawyer can give advice about your particular situation.  Lawyers know your rights and obligations following an accident, as well as things you may never think to look for on Google.

    Fidelis offers free consultations – contact us and we’ll help answer your questions. We also have a “no fee unless you win” policy, which means you pay nothing unless your insurance claim is successful.

    6. Open disability claims with other insurers

    If you have short-term disability or private health insurance (often through your employer), you should open claims with them as well.  In the case of health insurance, you are required to use it before your car insurance will kick in for treatments and medications.

    Do I really need a lawyer?

    Hiring a lawyer to represent you is completely optional. You can choose to handle your insurance claim alone if you want to.

    Some people choose to do it themselves to save on legal fees, but we believe that in those cases the outcome will be worse than if they had hired a lawyer to represent them. The insurance company has a whole team of adjusters and lawyers on their side with years of experience in making sure insurance payouts – including yours – are as small as possible. A lawyer with experience in insurance claims, on the other hand, will fight for you to make sure you get the full compensation you deserve.